
Territory: The sector vitivinicolo represents one of the most important filieres of the system regional agroalimentare. The surface regional vitata is of around 13.000 hectares equal to the 1 ,9% of the national datum. The middle dimension of the firms viticole umbre is of little superior to the hectare. The regional production of wine, accordin...

Territory: The sector vitivinicolo represents one of the most important filieres of the system regional agroalimentare. The surface regional vitata is of around 13.000 hectares equal to the 1 ,9% of the national datum. The middle dimension of the firms viticole umbre is of little superior to the hectare. The regional production of wine, according to the years, it is equal to around the 1-1 ,5% of the total national. Quality of the productions, investments in the vineyards and in the wine cellars, promotion, innovations and environmental sustainability of the productions, represent the lines it drives some regional politics to increase the competitiveness of the sector vitivinicolo.


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